Cape Classic Car Show

Renault Dauphine

There was a great variety of cars on show at the Cape Classic Car Show in Parow yesterday. They rangeed from as far back as 1902 automobiles, Model T Fords, Austin Sevens from the 1920s, a pristine 1934 yellow Rolls Royce right through to myriads of 1950s and 1960s cars, from Morris Minors to Mercedes Benzes of every shape, size, model and colour.

There were also a lot of motorbikes on display. Definitely something for all tastes, the owners were happy to chat about their cars and their histories. There were also drum majorettes, a car auction and plenty of varied refreshements on sale.

The event was very well organised and I would definitely recommend it to all petrolheads.

If you missed it this year, come along next year!

thanks to Graham Sonnenberg for the images and text contribution


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